Pure Potions & Coco-Bakes, tea party

Posted by Lauren Dodge on

Discover an early origin story. Co-Created with Brooke Rewa-Harris, read about our line of botanical powders that would spark a trend for years, called Pure Potions.

explore the full article HERE


"Lauren Dodge, co-founder of Pure Potions, has been working with and studying plants and herbs for almost a decade. What was once a pure hobby of helping others and aiding in overall wellbeing and beauty, became an opportunity for growth and nourishment when she opened Fruits to the Roots a Botanical Beauty and Wellbeing company in Los Angeles. Her healing modalities, energetic/intuitive and plant use, cross paths with many wisdom traditions from around the world including an ancient Hermetic tradition of Alchemy, the use of Native and South American plants, along with some Ayuervedic plants and cross over herbs from Chinese traditional healing. Her intention, as a healer, is dedicated to continued spiritual growth and always learning and encouraging others to find peace and light, shine with brilliant wisdom and be well in all things."

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